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Hi :)
It might be good to keep the discussion to this thread on the Users List for now.  Lets see what 
other people say and what bug-reports you find about this.  Perhaps move it up the "chain of 
command" after that.  I've just noticed that we have been cross-posting all this time.  it's better 
to stick to 1 list at a time for most things.  

"- so I don't see the reason to recursively (!!!) substitute the "%" 
character when an URL is input in LibreOffice because "%" itself is 
already an accepted one;"  

A big +1 to that!  I don't know why it's being done either.  It makes no sense that it happens that 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Carlo Strata <>
To: Tom Davies <> 
Cc: Florian Reisinger <>; "TDF, discuss" <>; 
"LibreOffice, users" <> 
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2013, 9:03
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-users] [ non fixed bug] Link with a space Pdf 
export error (%20 characters - space ones - exported as %2520 ones)

Hi Everyone,

as I told yesterday in my first mail I will look for an already created 
issue and if not I will create it. When I make this? Now! ;-)
In any case I will make you know what I do.


I think that:
- on URLs, browsers - but maybe a behaviour stated on  a well determined 
W3 Standard or similar open Consortium - substitute spaces with %20 hex 
character code;
- %20 (!!!): that means that "%", "2" and "0" are all (!) well admitted 
characters, all (!!!);
- so I don't see the reason to recursively (!!!) substitute the "%" 
character when an URL is input in LibreOffice because "%" it self is 
already an accepted one;
- another low probability hypotheses in my head was that LibreOffice 
translate the space on a full 16 bit space character coding, but your 
explain about %25 representing the "%" hex code, rapidly make me clear 
what was happened;
- in any case (!), if you open the with-space link directly from a 
Writer document (ctrl+click for friends o chaps ;-) )  you will get the 
right page: in other words the link behave correctly! So the problem on 
pdf link behaviour has to be fixed in LibreOffice too!!! :-) But I do 
not think is a too hard to do, is not it?

Now I will go to open or vote an existing issue and come back here soon. 
I think we could also to maintain only one discuss: I will suggest the 
tdf-discuss one, what do you think about?

Have All a sunny day,



ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel./fax +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
Skype carlo.strata
Google carlo.strata.69

Il 10/05/2013 08.28, Tom Davies ha scritto:
Hi :)
I don't know if there is one for LibreOffice yet.

People have tried to show me how to look things up in the bug-report place but for some reason i 
can never quite manage it myself.

Also i'm not sure if just solving the problem in LibreOffice would make the problem go away.  It 
seems to be further "upstream" with fairly major projects having to deal with it separately. is 
it possible to post a bug-report against "the internet"?
Apols and regards form
Tom :)

From: Florian Reisinger <>
To: Tom Davies <>
Cc: Carlo Strata <>; "TDF, discuss" <>; 
"LibreOffice, users" <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 16:37
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-users] [ non fixed bug] Link with a space 
Pdf export error (%20 characters - space ones - exported as %2520 ones)


Does a bug report exist yet?

Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
Florian Reisinger

Am 09.05.2013 um 14:10 schrieb Tom Davies <>:

Hi :)
%25 is the code for a % symbol so the 'wrong' link is not really wrong after all.  It's just a 
bit odd and unnecessary.  In the 'wrong' link replace all the %25s with % so that %2520 
becomes %20 and then the apparently 'wrong' link looks right.  It's a good reason for avoiding 
spaces and non-standard characters in Urls.  CamelCase is much less prone to these sorts of 

Seems a few other organisations are having trouble with %25 replacing %

Welcome back chap!  Lets hope they can fix it!
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Carlo Strata <>
To: "TDF, discuss" <>; "LibreOffice, users" 
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 12:29
Subject: [libreoffice-users] [ non fixed bug] Link with a space Pdf export error (%20 
characters - space ones - exported as %2520 ones)

Hi Everyone and sorry for my long silence!

I have not read the mailing list for a long, but I am always here to
use, test, update and spread LibreOffice! ;-)

Since 4.x versions - but maybe since before:

1. if you create a new writer document and copy in it a with-space-link
like this:
2. save the document;
3. export the document in pdf with the default settings;
4. open the exported pdf;
5. click on the clickable link;
6. you will get this wrong link instead:
7. if you open that link from the odt (as usual with a ctrl+click) you
get instead the right link and the browser open correctly!
8. if you leave your mouse cursor on the link both on the pdf and the
odt documents you will get a correct title yellow lable ("tooltip") too!
9. I finally think there is a bug on the pdf export module.
10. This is the same if you create the above document with the Insert ->
Hypertext link menu function.

I have tested this on each new testing release, but only today I have
found the mental time to write this mail.
I am also going to search if there is a related issue yet and if not, as
I used in the near past, I will post a new one.

Have a sunny day,


p.s. on this Saturday I will see Italo (Vignoli) on Venice (where I
live) in a very interesting public access Venetian Engineers Meeting
that I help to organize... :-)

ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel./fax +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
Skype carlo.strata
Google carlo.strata.69

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