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"ODF is recommended by numerous governments and NGO's worldwide, with 
Indonesia, the European Commission, and NATO amongst those who support 
policies calling for ODF as the preferred document production, retention 
and exchange format."
I like this "quote".
NATO - well the US and Canada are part of NATO - correct?

That means that the USA, when dealing with other NATO members should use ODF for their documentation and other files.
Any more national and international organization can added to that list?

That may force MSO to do ODF better or just start thinking about using an office package that does it better than MSO does.
I am a little vague on what is involved with the "European Commission", 
like how many of the EU are part of it, etc..  But, it does imply that 
countries in Europe support the ODF format[s].
Since LO uses ODF as their default format, we support the policies of 
these worldwide organizations.  Since any Tech Adminknows that MS/MSO 
have been sued by the EU many many times and MS/MSO have not complied 
with many of those rulings that went against MS/MSO. If a company want 
to do business with the EU, maybe you should keep that in mind when 
talking about an office package that supports the policies set down by 
the EU or the European Commission.
MS/MSO still hasnot complied with US courtrulings from the late '90's 
and would rather pay the fines, which is "pocket change"to MS. The US 
courts are starting to support fining and jail time for the top 
administrators of companies that do not comply to the US Court rulings.  
Maybe that will help get the US and EU court rulings to be complied with.

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