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Thanks for the clarification as this has given me a better understanding in
terms of the build setup used by LO.  My question now becomes why is it so
hard to get a proper build environment setup for buidling LO on windows, as
well as it being easier to break out of all the platforms supported.

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Christian Lohmaier <> wrote:

Hi Jonathan, *,

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Jonathan Aquilina
<> wrote:
Rainer what i want to understand is why use an external build tool when
there is an equivalent to make built directly into visual studio.
You are completely missing the point here. The default build /does/
use Visual Studio Compiler, that is the default setup/the only
officially supported one to begin with.

mingw ist not a make system, but a compiler.
nmake is not a compiler, but a make-tool.

Replacing one by the other just doesn't work, since they do completely
different things.

LO uses gnu make as its make-tool since that is available to all
relevant systems and supports the features that are needed.

And if you're wondering why the build uses the Microsoft compiler instead:

It is a frequently asked question, usually coming from free software
purists, why we use proprietary compiler instead of a free one (e.g.

ABI backwards-compatibility for compiled extensions. There is some
resistance to breaking that - also so far MSVC produces faster,
smaller binaries.

There are also some features in the code that don't compile with
MinGW. They use API that MinGW does not provide headers for etc.

In addition to above points also there are also open questions around
how we would run unit tests in a MinGW cross-compilation environment
and how well gdb works on Windows; the MSVC C++ debugger is really
quite good.

You're comparing apples and oranges. That just doesn't make any sense.


Jonathan Aquilina

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