On 8 December 2011 02:01, Olav Dahlum <odahlum@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/12/11 02:12, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Christoph,
Le 2011-12-07 16:54, christoph.noack@documentfoundation.org a écrit :
Hi Marc, all,
Help appreciated :-)
I imagine, that if the user finally got to the point of filling out a
bug, that, perhaps, there would be an automatic forced search of any
similar bug(s) having been submitted? I know that the hardest part of
filing a bug on any project is the initial search for similar
bugs/complaints. Once the search completed then it is all pretty easy to
complete aside from giving a good description and a way to replicate the
Nice whiteboard on automating the process.
Maybe someone have the time to dig into the KDE KCrash Handler source
and check out these features there?
Christoph's design is great. I like, particularly, the clear distinction
between reporting a bug and offering an idea or suggestion.
The point I do want to raise is how the bug/problem reporting functionality
will work with an OS like Ubuntu that already has its own bug reporting
procedures. Many apps there have a Help > Report a Problem option which
calls Ubuntu's own bug reporting package (apport) to collect system
information and then connect to the Launchpad bug reporting web page.
Launchpad looks for possible duplicates and has quite extensive links to
synchronise with upstream bug reporting. Here is an example of a bug I
Currently, with no functionality built in to LibreOffice, this would be
reported from the command line (ubuntu-bug libreoffice). As you can see,
it is linked to both the LO and OOo upstream bug trackers.
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