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On Thursday 08 December 2011 07:50, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-12-07 12:58, Terrence Enger a écrit :

Presumably the implementation of whatever is chosen will
allow copying.  The suggesion here is that we may get
easier-to-read reports by making it easy for people to copy
the same stuff the same way.


Why not just make it automatic by having a "Submit bug" button
somewhere and it would already fill in all of the identifying
fields without the user having to fill them out. This would make
sure the devs get the right information on the bug submissions all
the time and the button would be programmed right into the
software. Probably the best place to put it would be in the "About"

Traditionally i understand reporting a bug is not an easy one step 
process. This to:

 * Prevent frivolous bugs - "I can't find "File - Page Layout".

 * Prevent duplications, which happen anyway partly due to many 
terminologies that people employ. (Lost track of how often i've heard 
people call a system box a hard drive).


Why not add this to "Insert - Field" as "Insert - Field - Program 
Version" and "Insert - Field - ODF Version".


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