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Sorry for the confusion, reading the whole thread is advantageous.

Am 09.09.2011 14:27, schrieb Tor Lillqvist:
You are confusing autosave ...  and a separate and different feature with the same name
in OS X Lion (and later), implemented mainly in the system library level .
Meanwhile I recognized that.
Don't be scared and confused.
Oh, I'm not really scared.
it is not. What is being discussed in this thread is perhaps making use of
*another* thing, a feature of the operating system, on OS X Lion.
I understood that this is a new feature which does not seem ripe with respect to it's implementation and behaviour under certain circumstances. (As Charles already pointed out even the MacOS world is discussing this issue.
And Charles explained the right thing and I now fully understand and 
support his apprehension at least for the time being.
However, discussion with some MacOS users gave me the impression that on 
the long run the MacOS way of autosave and resume has to be supported by 
anybody who wants to play with the other big boys.

Karl Behler sen., Garching, Germany

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