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On 05/03/2011 10:17 PM, NoOp wrote:
True. But again, that justifies continuing to use Oracle resources how?

LibreOffice is a branch from OOo just as go-oo and associated linux
distributions that used the go-oo packages were. A continued issue on
the OOo user list was determining if a linux user was using a standard
OOo, or if they were using linux distribution variant. A great deal of
OOo list user time was determining if the poster was using a go-oo
variant, and then redirecting them to their linux specific support
facilities (ex: launchpad for Ubuntu OOo).

LibreOffice (IMO) should 'man up' and either provide resources for their
own forums, or as an interim just state that currently there are no such
LO forums available. Or support: or similar.
I absolutely, 100% support LO setting up its own forum, or at least 
throwing support behind the unofficial LibreOffice forum you mention. 
But linking to the community-driven official OpenOffice forum is better 
than doing nothing. Going to an Oracle-sponsored site does not make one 
ceremonially unclean, nor does linking to it. Not linking to the 
resources that are out there while declining to provide resources of 
ones own is more "embarrassing" than linking to the community-run Oracle 
OpenOffice forums.
Isaac Hummel

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