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Bjoern Michaelsen <> writes:

Our "EasyHacks" page here:

is quite a mess by now as we have so many of them. Also I dont think it
is very inviting to newcomers. An really important "EasyHack" -- that
does not even require elite programming skills would be to split that
page into multiple topics, so that contributors can find something for
their skillset. A possible splitup would be:

- Infrastructure (skills: bug trackers, mailinglists, web stuff)
- build system (skills: perl, scripting, building)
- testing (skill: build, tools like valgrind)
- code cleanup (skills: beginners C++)
- UI improvements (skills: C++)

Any volunteers?
I made an attempt to split it under my user pages,

It is based on the Easy Hacks page as of 2011-03-29T13:52:51

It needs some cleanup (empty lines and empty sections), which I'll now
do. I should also change heading levels so that the root ones are the
top level, but for now I didn't change that, to keep the text blocks

Although it lists these skill sets you pointed out, some tasks (maybe
most of them?) require other skills -- I tried to group tasks based on
what each list is about, but there's probably some room for improvement.

I hope this is helpful.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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