Hi Rainer, Cor,
Am 25.02.2011 06:13, schrieb Rainer Bielefeld:
Cor Nouws schrieb:
I have never seen that effect.
I also can't remember.
Did anyone check whether that message also shows up when you repair the
Now I done two things:
I repaired the installation first and second I changed it by installling
the testtools.
Neither by repairing nor by changing there is the website displayed.
After that I deinstalled LibreOffice and installed it. And I got the
message again.
As I see the intialization will be before the installation of the AddOns.
I believe in the custom installation somewhere is a selection to
deactivate check for updates.
I didn't see any of such a selection.
Did someone check whether that has an
May be someone can attach a screenshot to a new Bug report?
I hope I can do the bug report on the weekend. If someone else can do
it, I have a screenshot and can add it.