On 11-01-10 10:33 AM, Stefan Weigel wrote:
What would you say, if people came up with multiple LibreOffice
websites in parallel? What would you say, if people came up with
multiple LibreOffice mailing lists in parallel? You have every right
to open a website or mailing list about LibreOffice besides the
existing one. But does it make sense? Is it good for the project and
the community, after all?
The same is for forums.
I would say there is branding confusion and I would ask "why common
forums when the project, organization and product are different ? ". It
makes a lot of sense to see such resources, more than the older forums
and the current mailing lists. I can't ask any "normal" user to come
anywhere close to mailing lists or Nabble, nevermind thousands of older
forum posts with seemingly unrelated information about the office suite
I am advocating to move away from. But that's only me and my limited
audience. Different audiences, but common name & brand only make sense.
I would also say it's *great* that other people are interested in
putting time into this and help them, perhaps make them official ASAP
and focus on other stuff :) This requires minimal due dilligence. Of
course I am pushing for another help channel (
http://libreoffice.shapado.com ), so I can't be very objective. Once
again, diverse audiences, more exposure.
Can't wait 'til the Facebook groups start popping up in every country
and language :)
LibreOffice questions ? Des questions sur LibreOffice ? Preguntas acerca
de LibreOffice ? Ask LibreOffice: http://libreoffice.shapado.com/
Fabián Rodríguez
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- [tdf-discuss] Re: [Forum]How will the forum be organized? (continued)
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