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On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 07:34:13PM +0100, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
From a geeks point of view You are right. But I'm shure that it is not a
good idea to make all people out there geeks before using a computer or
using office software ;o)).

Ah, so we should let people not care about their PCs, how to use it, keep it safe
etc. and thus affecting all, spreading viruses, spam and having botnets active?

So I heavily hope, that LibreOffice will leave it's past behind and
will grow from a developer driven software to a community driven one.

What the hell does that have to do with people using PCs getting their basics straight?
Correctly, it doesn't.
(Otherwise I agree with you, we can argue about marketing and I agree for some deeper
features you need docs, but come on, are you also going to tell people on how to use their



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