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Hi Michael, *,

Michael Wheatland schrieb:

If I may throw in my 2c.

Welcome! :o))

As a part of the official LibreOffice Drupal website development we
will be creating a Q&A area where there are standard questions and
answers, but it will also give people the opportunity to ask their own

That sounds good.

and have them answered quickly by anyone else on the website
at the time.

that's a to small base of present knowledge.

In addition to this we will be setting up support accounts on all of
the major social networks.

I'm quite shure, it is not a good idea to split forces and know how that
way. There should be a common place where technical support should
happen. Technical issues should be remembered not only by a presentation
platform but also by some kind of "common brain". Answers should be
generated with common knowledge in their back. To many places get that
"find the question on your question" effect, which I personally dislike

IMHO the process of subscribing, confirming, asking the question,
getting relies then unsubscribing seems a little much for an end user
to ask a simple question.

That's what at least I never did think of. Who claimed that?


LibreOffice and more on CD/DVD images
(german version already started)

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