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On Saturday 30 Oct 2010 12:17:20 Christoph Noack wrote:

Hi Ivan,

Sorry this took so long, having problems with the list's spam filters, hanks 
Florian for fixing that.

First let me say that these are superb with a couple of minor things that I've 
put inline 

Hi Ivan,

thanks for the cleanup! And ...

Am Samstag, den 30.10.2010, 11:01 +1300 schrieb Ivan M.:
Hi all,

The number of proposals has grown considerably enough to (IMO) justify
their own page, so I have moved the proposals to the Branding section
of the marketing wiki:

There's a link to the new page on the Marketing Ideas wiki page.
... just a few words concerning your recent work: Absolutely great!

And a bit more specific:

      * LibreOffice Banner:
              * Nice refinement, especially the slight emboss effect for
                the logo works great. Also the different shaped gradient
                works very well ...
              * I am only unsure whether the homogeneous background
                pattern is still able to "repeat" the document icon
                triangle idea. (It still reminds me of the stylish
                elevator in "You Only Live Twice".).
              * However, I really this style - should this be the basis
                for the final LibO branding? (Without having any
                deadlines in mind).

      * Colors: Blue, green are great. For the orange, yellow and purple
        color, the lightest shadings seem to be different from its base
        color (e.g. the lightest orange looks a green on my computer).
I have the same colour issue as well and additionally the impress icon 
lightest colour seems to have a bit much red in it.  looks good in icon but 
not so in isolation.  The base icon also has a similar issue.

        I'm sure you already invested some time, so this is intended,
        or? So, how to proceed? May we start to iterate the current LibO
        colors? Or do you think it might be helpful to further work on
        your file? At your service, so to say ;-)
I'm also not so sure about the application symbols following OOo so closely.  
I do like the ones in Clio's suggestion however, how they would mix with 
your(Ivan's) framing would be interesting.  However I will also state that 
there is probably equally good argument to retain a Familial connection, so 
I'm ambivalent myself, just putting it out there for discussion.  

As a general comment, I am impressed as hell with the logo and the Docu bug, 
it's simple, strong, indicative, unique and instantly recognisable.  If I had 
one criticism is that the Docu bug would be better as a dark grey rather than 
black.  The black on white background is a little harsh.  I note that this has 
been obvious to the creators as well because the Docu bug always seems to be 
displayed on light grey BG which diffuses  that harshness.  A CMYK value of 
around looks good and from a visual marketing POV has a more 
sophisticated reliable and modern feel.  I've done an example which I'll put 
up on the wiki as soon as it allows me, which at it's present pace will be 
next week sometime!  


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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