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The idea (however is not a better default) to implement something that
able to easily to send documents via IM (like Pidgin) from send menu.

2010-10-25 03:22 keltezéssel, Michel Gagnon írta:
Le 2010-10-24 11:40, Marc Paré a écrit :
Le 2010-10-24 08:23, RGB ES a écrit :

Another example: do you know anyone that use the "send by email"
button? Most possible receivers nowadays still use msoffice so using
that button have the only effect that new users come to forums asking
why the people to whom they sent the file is not able to open it. I
think it is better to completely hide that button.

I always remove it, but that's basically because I tend to work in two
1. Write the document and save it
2. Write an e-mail and attach the document.

I don't think this would be a good idea. I actually use it
extensively, I know of at least dozens of my clients, professionals
and amateurs, who use it. Strategically, this would also be the wrong
this to do as we are trying to encourage the use of the OASIS opendoc
formats. Why would we then sheepishly hide the button that we
advocate? There is also a "Send .doc " button that people may use. I
usually tell people to use the send .doc and inform the recipients
that there is an opendoc format that will prevent their files from
ever being incompatible from MSO. I also encourage them to tell
everyone else. We can then all advocate the opendoc formats.

It depends who your clients are. Mine are either computer-illiterate
or work for companies where some other guy (usually and outside IT
resource) has set up their computer and locked it. So I get the phone
call that they can't do anything with the document.

Contextual toolbars is a nice feature, but many people hate it because
these toolbars appears in front of their documents, floating on non
useful positions. The first thing I always do when installing a new
OOo/LibO version is to anchor those toolbars to the botom of the

I agree with this, they should not be floating. Isn't there a setting
for this? Maybe the original setting should be a bottom anchor.


You can get the contextual toolbars non-floating at the bottom by
moving them manually the first time they appear. Better to have it
done by default, however. With regard to buttons, I would suggest less
white space in/around icons. The way the graphics are sized, we could
shave 2 to 4 pixels in width and height and make those toolbars more
compact, yet keep graphics the same size.


KAMI911Best regards,

Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai | 神 | kami911 [at] gmail [dot] com

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