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On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Drew Jensen <> wrote:

I'm tossing this out onto 3 lists - website, and discuss

I was kind of hoping to get some interest on the users list specific to
web forum ideas - I know that this has already started.

Anyway - a quick pointer this this review page:

For website maybe a little broader, I also setup a microblog site, what
is that...darned if I really know..being an old foggy and all, but you
can see it at - I added an item to the conference call about this - if
we see a way to use it...btw


Has anyone looked at the KDE forums?  It might be a good layout for a
software-specific forum.  We also have a built-in system for handling
feature requests directly in the forum (the brainstorm forum).

disclaimer: I am an admin on the KDE forums.

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