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On 2010-10-08 8:38 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Honestly, I disagree. Hiding mail addresses really doesn't help that 
much, and to me, the disadvantages (like being unable to contact
someone directly from the archives) are larger than the advantages
you think it has.

I'm happy to switch if the majority wants that, but honestly, it
doesn't help a bit. It's simply worth NOTHING.

Security through obscurity doesn't work.

If you have spam problems, use good anti-spam software.

ASSP is pretty easy to install and use, easy on system resources, runs
on Windows and *nix (it's a perl script) and works wonderfully out of
the box when properly installed with the starter ham/spam collection.
But of course this requires you to run your own mail server (or at least
have control of your MX records)...


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