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Hi Nino!

Am Dienstag, den 05.10.2010, 10:08 +0200 schrieb Nino Novak:
On Monday 04 October 2010 23:54, Christoph Noack wrote:

Step forward, and share your thoughts,
too, please! But how to get started ... I mean ... without a wiki to
document the statements.

A wiki is a wiki is a wiki - so just set one up and let it 
self-organize. Do not define too much contstraints in advance. 

It's less about constraints, but to provide some basis to work on it.
Once we get the wiki, it will be (or maybe become) our primary platform
to share information. So my aim is to reduce the initial hurdles ...


True :-) But basically, the wiki engine should fit our needs - the
technical and the non-technical ones.

Rules should be made only _after_ a certain period of experience. And 
they should be defined by the users of the wiki. 

Absolutely, that is the reason for my questions :-) Most of you are
already actively using wikis, so why not learn from your experience
right from the start?

And concerning "users of the wiki", Liz (being part of the OOo UX Team),
did a survey last year to check whether people are happy with the

Currently, I lack some more details, but hey, why are we here?

All that said, I'd prefere to have a wiki farm for different languages 
and not one multilanguage wiki - just to enhance usability (mainly the 
search function). 

It seems that we get quite a pile of "related to language" requirements.

Thanks, and good night!


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