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Takeshi Abe wrote on 2014-02-05 02:11:
seems to be proceeded to moderation. That is, our moderators
at the mailing list has missed its moderation requests for the
Japanese translation of the press release of LibreOffice 4.2.

Today I have retried sending the message and found postfix for my domain
report as follows:
Feb  5 09:56:19 nena postfix/smtp[18887]: 4A2CBAD73C: to=<>,[]:25, delay=4.5, delays=0.12/0.01/1.3/3.1, dsn=2.0.0, 
status=sent (250 2.0.0 from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 9C4D061790)
Feb  5 09:56:19 nena postfix/qmgr[55740]: 4A2CBAD73C: removed
Could you tell me any clue on this issue?

I had a look, and indeed the mail seems to have arrived at our system, but did not get through. I sent a testing mail myself from two different accounts, and it went through.

Chances are the mailing list filter is stumbling over the Japanese charset.

Can you send the message you have been writing to me directly, so I can try to reproduce the problem?


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