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On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Christian Lohmaier
<> wrote:
Hi Jonathan, *,

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Jonathan Aquilina
<> wrote:
Has a bug been filed upstream with mlmmj?

Not yet, more details are needed. So far it is only known to be a
problem with some encodings - the subject is not really just ???

e.g. one recent mail that shows the effect has subject of

Subject: [ru-discuss] =?windows-1251?Q?=C4=EE=E1=F0=EE=E3=EE_=C2=E0=EC_=E4=ED?=

$ echo =C4=EE=E1=F0=EE=E3=EE_=C2=E0=EC_=E4=ED=FF | recode cp1251/qp..u8

Google translates this to "Good day to you"
I doubt it has problem with quoted printable in general, as that's the
most likely to be used in western european languages, and windows
codepage is not really exotic either.

If you're willing to narrow this down, you need:
* a mail client/program where you can specify the encoding-method and
also the charset to use
* some patience/time
* to be moderator of the test-list


They are always spam anyway, so it hardly seems worth the effort to
solve the problem.


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