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The original message subject appears as well ??? could it be the encoding
which is being used?

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:


Donald Norwood wrote on 2013-10-25 15:22:

I (think) I recall some discussion on why filtering for spam on the
server side was impractical but cannot find the threads relating to it.
I do have a question in that same vein towards a particular email
received for the mirrors list that consistantly has the subject title
of: "???" Is it possible to just delete directly or not queue those
particular messages for moderation?

I've recently stumbled across a bug in mlmmj where special characters are
cut off as "???" - maybe that's the problem. Did you check the attached
original message, what that did show as subject?


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