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Christian Lohmaier wrote on 2012-08-14 18:32:

Please don't!

Stick to your first decision and let it run at least for two weeks that way.

Changing it back now again for some lists only leads to more confusion.

do you think that is valid also for the users lists, where (more unexperienced) people really start to complain and whine?

The change of removing reply-to was introduced without prior
announcement (IMHO the biggest mistake about it).

Honestly, that was on purpose. The last times we discussed it it lead to endless discussions over and over again, putting me in between to chairs. I bet if I announced it before, the same would have happened this time, and honestly, I am tired of that...

If the LO lists would have started with that setting to begin with,
there wouldn't be loud complaining now.

That's indeed a valid argument.


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