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Le 2012-08-06 10:54, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote on 2012-08-06 08:12:
Perhaps we should be looking at it from another view point --> we can
most likely assume that the majority of our users have some working
knowledge, or, less knowledge of filtering emails. Users joining the
more specialized mail lists may have a little more knowledge, but, in
general, our users (IMO) have lower levels of knowledge of
working/managing email filtering systems..

thanks for that proposal, indeed! This is something we indeed could do,
and I'd like to enhance the idea bit:

How about writing to all the mailing lists (global/English ones for a
start), sending a short link to a poll, where all list participants
could cast their vote?

I can imagine that on developer, infrastructure and other lists the
suffix could be omitted, while on users and discuss lists it is more
likely needed. In order to find that out, we could simply ask the

Do you think that makes sense, or is it too much spamming?


Quite frankly, I think that on the users and discussion lists, people will have very little idea of what such a poll would be about and will only realize its impact after these are removed. IMO, we should keep suffixes where entry-level users and the such are in majority, and, remove prefixes where devs and dev-level users are in majority -- this last group of users will have an easier time of "re-tooling" their filters.

I would rather see TDF/LibreOffice make it as easy and the least-troublesome of an experience for end-users to join in on the community project. This, in some way, will establish a pattern whereby users who later join as members and later offer their particular skills to the project will join more specialized lists where the prefixes are not available.



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