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Hi Florian,

Le 2012-08-01 18:28, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

today, a discussion started on the certification mailing list whether we
want to get rid of those mailing list prefixes in the subject, like
[libreoffice-announce], [libreoffice-conference] or [tdf-discuss].

This would be helpful in several ways, like DKIM and other e-mail
signing tools don't break, plus it looks much better in the mail overview.

However, this depends on how people filter their e-mail. Filtering on
the subject line is a *real* bad idea, rather use the List-Post or
List-Id header. However, some mail clients don't support that.

So, my question is:
Are there mailing lists where we could get rid of this prefix? What do
people think?

I would imagine that for the users list, removing the prefix is a bad
idea, while for other lists, it could work pretty well.


Perhaps we should be looking at it from another view point --> we can most likely assume that the majority of our users have some working knowledge, or, less knowledge of filtering emails. Users joining the more specialized mail lists may have a little more knowledge, but, in general, our users (IMO) have lower levels of knowledge of working/managing email filtering systems..

On the other hand, we can most likely assume that our devs and hardware managers have a higher working knowledge of managing email filtering and very good knowledge of running email clients; removing mailing list prefixes for this group will have very little impact as they can easily adapt.

As we are trying to enlist the help of more users (potentially "members") to help out with various tasks on the project, asking from our users to join at a higher entry level of knowledge of working their email clients may be asking too much. We should try to gain the help of our users by offering them easy points of entry into our project discussions.

I think it may be better to leave the prefixes in if the people who run our mailservers have the knowledge to run them, even if they demand a little more attention. This, rather than make the lives of users more complicated by removing the prefixes.

It all comes down to knowledge. If our IT members are knowledgeable enough to make the project work by making it easier for the user base to join in on our discussions, even if it means a little more work for the IT members, then we should keep the suffixes. There is no point in disenfranchising part of our precious user base if we can avoid it.

Keeping things simple for our user base helps with community building.



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