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Will try and reset my router and modem and see if that helps any. But what I am finding odd is why just this server and not downloading anything else

On 17/08/2012 10:29, Riccardo Losselli wrote:
Il 17/08/2012 10:22, Jonathan Aquilina ha scritto:
I have not tried on one of my mac's, but this is a windows machine that
im on right now. I am downloading stuff off of you tube just fine no
speed issues. I am down in Malta oddly enough it only seems to happen
with this mirror. linux vm's seem to be fine as well.

Does anyone have a windows 7 64bit to try test the download and see if
its just an issue with windows 7 networking somewhere.

Hi Jonathan, just tried from a win7 machine the same file i tested before on linux and sent you the result.
It came down at full speed allowed by the connection (16mbps).

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