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That's a great idea to provide regional rsync modules!

I would prefer that over having to sync all languages. The space would
be available for all, but I prefer to allocate it efficiently.


On 01.10.10 01:05, Peter Pöml wrote:
Actually, there is interesting room for improvement here (over the way of distributing language packs). We can make rsync 
modules that include only certain languages. There is no reason to sync 
Polish language pack to India, and vice versa. Instead, we should 
distribute langpacks that are actually requested in the region that the 
mirror serves. 

The only thing we need is that one or two of us sit down and make kind 
of a table with languages and regions where they are used, in rough 
relation to where they are mirrors. Not a very difficult task. 
That wouldn't only save disk space on mirrors, it would also massively 
reduce sync times.

(Taking this one step further, one could automate that -- using download 
counters to generate rsync filelists for each mirror, containing exactly 
that stuff that is requested from there. I'd love to implement that, but 
it'd need at least a week, that I don't have...)

Anyway, a more static approach will work fine as well, I guess, since 
languages don't change frequently, and mirrors don't usually  move 
around ;-)

Thank you all for your support!

Serving Swiss Universities
Thomas Lenggenhager
P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
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