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From: Sam 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:37 PM
Subject: [tdf-discuss] is now functioning

Hello Document Foundation / LibreOffice,

I would like to offer to the LibreOffice community a support forum  
that I have just
created on a reliable host:
It is my hope that will serve as a central point for English
language support. I am also fluent in the Spanish language, and if necessary I could
create a similar forum for that language if you would like. I have been administering
community forums with Drupal for quite a few years now, and I feel confident that with
the help of some additional honest, polite moderators, we could maintain a high level of
organization on

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks again for your time and efforts.


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It's better than weeding through all these messages, Sam. 

Nancy Ward
Windows 8 Beta Ferret

GIF image


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