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Hello Lorenzo

as cybersecurity is a daily concern I'm looking forward to exchange thoughts. 

Any time next Saturday would fit.

Kind regards. Dani

Am 30. Mai 2023 09:29:33 MESZ schrieb Lorenzo Lupoli <>:
Good morning,

My name is Lorenzo Lupoli, and I am a second-year student at LUISS Guido Carli's "Policy and 
Governance in Europe" master's program. Currently, I am working on my thesis, which focuses on the 
field of cybersecurity. As part of my research, I have been conducting interviews with industry 
experts to gain valuable insights.

The specific topic I am exploring is how the implementation of the Cyber Resilience Act could 
potentially impact open source software. Given your extensive knowledge and knowhow in the field, 
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to have a brief online interview with you for 
approximately 15 minutes. Your insights would provide valuable perspectives that would greatly 
contribute to the depth and quality of my research.

As an authority in the field, your thoughts, and suggestions regarding open source software in the 
context of cybersecurity would be incredibly valuable. I am particularly interested in 
understanding the potential challenges and opportunities that may arise as a result of the Cyber 
Resilience Act, and any recommendations you may have for researchers investigating this subject 

I am flexible and available to meet online at a time that is most convenient for you. Please let 
me know your availability, and I will ensure to adjust my schedule accordingly. Your time and 
expertise are highly valued, and I genuinely look forward to the opportunity to discuss these 
crucial matters with you.

You can reach me at<> or 
by replying directly to this email. Please feel free to suggest a suitable date and time for the 
interview, and I will make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I appreciate your time and willingness to 
contribute to my research. I eagerly await your response and the opportunity to engage in a 
meaningful discussion with you.

Kind regards,

Lorenzo Lupoli

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