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Il 29/05/23 01:34, Thorsten Behrens ha scritto:
Dear members,

the following decision was taken in private. The board decided to
publish only to members, given that we decide on a person here.


Given that Paolo Vecchi has again been (selectively) leaking legal
communication to board-discuss, the board decides that:

- Paolo's rights will be limited to that of normal user for three weeks,
   starting May 24 2023, 18:30 CEST;
- in case he again breaches boards confidentiality, his rights will be
   limited for two months;
- the board will send a message to tdf-internal@, tdf-members@ and
   board-discuss@ to 'remind everyone that discussing legal matters in
   public exposes TDF, and the people working for it, to large, unknown
   risks. For good reasons, it has always, and will always be, good
   policy not to do that.'


The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

6 Board of Directors members and one deputy member have participated
in the vote. So the vote is quorate.

A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 3 votes.

Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstain, 1 disapprovals.
One deputy member supported the vote.

Decision: The proposal has been accepted.

-- Thorsten

Dear All

I read with some dismay that it has been decided to limit the rights to use board-discuss to Paolo Vecchi.

I appreciate that Paolo Vecchi freely communicates his thoughts on what is happening within the BoD.

The decision to suspend his activity in the board-discuss is illegitimate. It is necessary for the BoD to *make this point clear and revoke that decision immediately*.

If the vote is ok, why is it not voted by all board members now? A lawyer proposed to turn back the rules of procedure.

Why is it not done? What kind of democracy is this? What is it behind such an action? Explain these issues in no uncertain terms to the whole LibreOffice community and members of any related bodies.

Now I read in <> about something that could be related?

All this worries me and maybe many members of our great Community.


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