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Advice: Listen to Wolfgang (earlier posts), whoever he is.
Thanks for the flowers. I'm just a "screenworker" who has been
producing documents with computers since ~25 years now, on various
operating systems (Atari ST, DOS since 3.3, Windows since 2.11, MacOS
since 6.0.7, various Unixes etc.) with various applications.

The GUI I like the most is probably RagTime (since version 4;
minimum waste of screenspace), the functional concept I like
the most is that of XML, where I can *enforce* a document structure
through a schema and the typographic output quality I like the most is
LyX/LaTeX, obivously.

Currently, for documents that are input by hand (not generated from
e.g. a database) and that are to be printed out, LyX/LaTeX seems to be
the best compromise for me.



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