I'm working on a proposal for building an experimental new LibreOffice
toolbar / UI in Python:
Err, I would like to point out the fact that trying to emulate MS in any
way is always a B-A-D idea.
Especially, but not limited to GUI ergonomics, where MS has been
consistently been implementing things exactly the wrong way, from the
perspective of the proficient user who knows also something else than
Your idea of a "ribbon" turned into a "sidebar" by 90° rotation imho is
nothing else than the revival of the old (pre-Windows) Lotus 1-2-3 menu
system. Pulldown-menus (and dialog boxes) are a far more advanced
concept. Besides the issues with screenspace.
A concept that could be a *lot* more useful imho would be to allow
tearing off individual (sub-)menus and placing them as floating (or
docked if the user prefers that) "toolboxes" next to the workspace. See
typical graphics software or e.g. RagTime. When I was working in
RagTime (or FrameMaker, but that was more than a decade ago), all I
had on-screen besides the document itself and the pull-down menubar
above were the listboxes with character and paragraph styles and very
few other floating palettes.
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