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Hi Pedro,

I slightly reorder your mail -

you wrote:
Exactly. That is something the BoD has to decide. After all the
quality of LibreOffice should be the BoD's main concern IMO...

Quality surely should be a concern to all of us. But I disagree that
it should be _the_ overall main concern (if that's what you said) -
there are definitely other equally important aspects, such as
features, interoperability, usability, code quality, growing the
community etc etc.

[download page]
No. There is no wording that can change the fact that TDF is
recommending version 3.6.1 If it wasn't the Large Buttons should
be pointing to version 3.5.6 (and soon to version 3.5.7)

I see what you mean. It is though highly demotivating for developers
to have their nice new version with all those nifty features hidden.

So this will need UX input and some hacking at the download page
code, possibly something resembling the old page, still used here: - but nicer?

Would you be willing to get this ball rolling?


-- Thorsten

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