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Le Wed, 8 Feb 2012 09:04:34 -0800 (PST),
Pedro <> a écrit :

Hi again Charles

Charles-H.Schulz wrote
What this thread says -and I took the time not to just look at
the thread but at the other areas of the project as well- is that
developers listen to user feedback. And that's probably a good
thing to do although some people might disagree (cf. Henry Ford);
yet listening to user feedback hardly makes up a democracy. It's
user feedback. In some cases it might be a case of "nice customer
service". But it does not help that much. I'll explain myself. 

Let's see. The developer is asking the community who is using a given
feature (which he states would prefer to drop). Yet he subjects this
to an open poll (not even limited to the registered forum users) and
he is willing to accept the opinion of the majority. If that is not a
democracy, it's damn close!

How is that even similar to meritocracy? Meritocracy would be: I'm the
developer, I don't have time for this so I'm dropping it. If some one
else wants to keep developing it, just do it.

I'm not arguing that all those projects that you pointed do not
follow the same logic (I'm not saying this is a TDF / LO exclusive).
I'm just showing you that other FOSS projects can be (and some are!)
hmm, then I don't agree with your qualification of democratic. You have
similar polls in supermarkets. But supermarkets are no democracies. A
democracy means a democratic structure, not a consumer/plebeian
feedback process, no matter how effective it is.

Charles-H. Schulz
Member of the Board of Directors,
The Document Foundation.

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