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On 11 September 2011 12:12, jmvangoethem <> wrote:


I have one request wich could let me quit Excel.

I need to have the following feature  ( include in Excel, but not yet in
LibreOffice for now )
I work mainly with links between several files. It means that a lot of
have to show values of other cells of different files. LibreOffice does'nt
get automatic updates of these links, only manual.  ( except for DDE links

I don't really like DDE links, to heavy to use.  ( In one file, I have more
than 10.000 links, so I need very reactive links modules ).

Could you let me know if you intend to improve these features in the future
?  Or maybe give a solution.

This problem is the only "show stopper bug" to implement LibreOffice.

In advance, thank you for you answer.

Jean-Marie Vangoethem

Hi Jean-Marie

This does seem to work OK for me using Data > Define Range in the source
file and Insert > Link to External Data... in the target file.  Note that
you need to Save the source file for its data changes to become available.
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