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If I understand correctly:
What is developed by the Apache license can be "used" at LibreOffice but
what is done by LibreOffice can not be used by OpenOffice as OpenOffice
would move to offer the principles of under the GPL.

Thus, the suggestion would be to join efforts to OpenOffice under the Apache
License and "used" what we want to use LibreOffice GPL?

Am I wrong or so workers would be free for companies that want to "pack "
the OpenOffice and sell it?

I would understand this point...

Eduardo Alexandre Gula
LibreOffice Brazil

2011/6/4 Jesús Corrius <>

And finally, whether it would make any sense from the technical point of
view for LibreOffice contributors to even try to participate in OOo at ASF
depends very much on what actually ends up there, and in what direction it
is taken by the presumed main driving force, IBM. For all we know, it might
be that the code that is eventually dumped in ASF's SVN (!) is a subset that
doesn't even build, and then IBM starts adding its own hitherto proprietary
stuff including build mechanisms that makes it into a completely different
beast than what we are used to. I suspect lots of Java is involved, and that
is not necessarily that popular around here. As if understanding and using
the "old" OOo build mechanisms which have been somewhat adapted at LO wasn't
hard enough.

Good point, Tor. Is the source code available somewhere already?
I wouldn't join any Open Source project if I can't see the source code
first :)

Jesús Corrius <>
Document Foundation founding member
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Skype: jcorrius | Twitter: @jcorrius

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