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On 21/02/11 23:08, Barbara Duprey wrote:
On 2/21/2011 4:16 PM, Mark Preston wrote:
I'm about ready to load up LibreOffice and start running it for work
but have really one simple question before I do. Background is I will
be running it on Windows Vista, currently run OpenOffice and will be
using it near daily including with MS Office documents and presentations.

So the question is: can I load LibO side-by-side with OpenOffice and
if not what is the procedure to load LibO and - should there be
probelms - to reload OpenOffice? Most importantly, this is a
multi-user system so it needs to be loaded for at least three users.
Any advice much appreciated.

They ordinarily coexist peacefully, although you may want to modify the file associations to make the right one the default. Also, it might be best to run without the QuickStarter. I generally have at least one document or the splash page active, and I don't set the option to look for updates, so OOo and LibO both come up quite quickly even the first time.

You could always disable the Quickstarter in OOo (Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Memory uncheck the "Enable the systray QS" option, and enable it in LibO (via exactly the same route).

Personally, I like the QS option and if that is set to load at boot up (or login) then the basic libraries are already pre-loaded and ready to open quickly.

And yes, I can confirm Barbara's observation that OOo and LibO do coexist peacefully.

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