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I post here because I've just read a message about credits in LibO 3.3 and so I've checked them in order to confirm that bug, but if there's a better place where we can discuss this other issue, please point me to it.

Here are the facts: in the credits it's written

Commits: 5
Joined 2003-11-05

That "luctur" was my userid when commiting "code" in the OOo project. I don't know why there is my username and not my full name there, however this is not the main problem. In fact, I' haven't found among the contributors the name of Davide Prina, co-author of the Italian spellchecker dictionary.

Since I have originally contributed it to the OOo code base under my own liability but, of course, with Davide's authorization, by contributing it by mean of my signed Joint Copyright Agreement, I think Davide's name should be added to the list of credits too.

Furthermore, I've checked the THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html file and there, there is Davide's name and not mine as copyright owner... :)

It's a rather awkward situation, I think, and both credits and third party license lists should be checked and somehow synchronized.

TIA for any comments and hints about this issue.


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