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Hello all. My name is Daniel Neel and I'm interested in working on
LibreOffice's new Drupal-based web site. I have experience developing with
(X)HTML and CSS on a couple of web sites and have dabbled with Python and
other technologies from time to time.

Anyways, I reviewed the new LibreOffice web site and recorded issues I
found. Is it possible for me to fix these bugs myself, or would I need to be
granted commit rights?

Web site bugs

All notes taken using Chromium 8.0.552.237 (70801) Ubuntu 10.10, referring
to the Drupal web site at

Navigation bar
 - the sub menu of the "LibreOffice" item doesn't appear to align along the
navigation bar's left edge, while the other items align correctly

Home Page
 - "Take a tour to explore the functions and features of LibreOffice" should
inlude a period after "LibreOffice" - all other items end in periods.
 - The shadows under each image might look better feathered a bit more, with
less hard edges
    - The shadow under the puzzle icon doesn't appear centrally aligned
while the other shadows do
 - "Login or register to post comments Older polls" - might be useful to
have the links highlighted/underlined, as they're (in chrome 8)
indistinguishable from normal text without mousing over them.
    - Also in chrome 8 and firefox 3.6 the "Older polls" item should be on a
new line - currently a little confusing

 - url doesn't follow the naming convention of other LibO products. Listed
as "../features/libreoffice-calc" rather than "../features/calc"
  - This also might affect the page's title which is "LibreOffice Calc |" when it should be "Calc |", going by the
other product pages
  - also is the cause of a broken link on the Features page

 - uses an old Apple logo - not sure if their newer logos are available for
use or not
 - also uses an old Ubuntu logo rather than the updated ones (located here:

 - "Discover new possibilities", "Extensions make document creation fun.",
"Explore and install now" - inconsistent use of periods

 - Space between heading and start of page content inconsistent with other
pages (the space between "Features" and "LibreOffice is a comprehensive...")

 - Inconsistent spacing between heading and start of page content

 - Items in the large list aren't presented in the same order as in the
navigation bar
 - Page titles are inconsistent (see Project Teams and Forums vs the other

Community/Project Teams
 - Contains links to two seperate Quality Assurance team pages, each with
differing content

 - Sub-forum titles become un-aligned depending on if there's an icon to the
left of them (see mail icon) and if the thread has a mail icon and a
description of the sub-forum
   (potentially in other cases as well)

 - Assuming the language bar should go below the "To suggest a news article
please contact the News Editor team" section.

All product pages (LibreOffice/... Calc/Writer/etc)
 - Inconsistent spacing between the navigation bar and the start of the
page's content

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