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The Community around LibreOffice provides several ways of getting in touch. Besides mailing lists, IRC channels and social networks, we regularly hold public phone conferences, where everyone is invited to join -- and speak.
Following our open, transparent and meritocratic approach, the Steering 
Committee holds its phone conference once a week:

Teams like marketing or website hold their meetings on a monthly basis:

Everyone is invited to join, either actively as participant or as interested listener. The calls are for long-term members as well as for new supporters, with a broad range of interesting topics.
They are planned on the respective mailing lists (like steering-discuss@ 
or marketing@), where everyone can vote on their favorite date and time, 
and agenda items are collected in the wiki. Thanks to our sponsor 
talkyoo, a landline dial-in is available in a rapidly growing number of 
countries, and connecting via Skype is also supported.
For those who miss a call, we provide a written transcript as well as an 
audio recording.
If you're keen to join now, the next marketing conference call will be 
held on Tuesday, May 10th, at 1600 UTC, and a poll on the next steering 
committee call has just been opened at
We look forward to hearing from you!

The Steering Committee of The Document Foundation

Florian Effenberger <>
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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