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On Tue, 2010-10-19 at 18:25 +0900, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
On 19 oct. 10, at 18:15, Florian Effenberger wrote:


Jean-Christophe Helary wrote on 2010-10-19 02.22:
 the "global" discussion list should not be a mere "discussion" list but a "policy" list where 
only items of global interest regarding TDF or LO are discussed.

Not sure I totally agree that it should be the discuss list - but I do
agree that it is a problem - even now with only two language discuss
lists one needs to go between both to understand what is actually being
discussed and worked on. I would not even insist this list of record if
you will has to be in English - although it probably would be.

The CMS discussion is an example - that should be happening in one place
so people have a chance to keep up.

Actually this may not be a language issue at all, and for this narrow
subject - a list of record - it may simply be that after settling on
what a voting membership looks like, then this is simply a list with
moderated functions - the world may see what goes on, but only voting
members discuss and it is the only place to discuss issues that span all
the different groups in the foundation, linguistic or geographic or
special interest based.

In fact it is most likely to determine who will be in the voting
membership from the current active people and use a list now, without
the background noise to make the decisions we need to address now.


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