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announce@ is a mailing list for TDF / LibreOffice related announcements,
and should never be used to speak with the community. LibreOffice
Argentina does not exist, although there is a community in the country
with several active people. If you want to speak with them, you should
write to, although I think you should speak to
the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation. In general, though,
TDF does not sponsor such projects, especially if they are associated
with a certification. We are working at a certification program, but we
are extremely careful (and do not intend to certify users). Please also
consider that most people are volunteers, so delays in answering emails
are the norm and not the exception. Best regards.

On 11/02/14 16:37, *** DELETED PER SENDER'S REQUEST *** wrote:
Hi everybody, I want to be part of this great software, but I want to
start a comunnity on my country, how can I talk with the developers
of LibreOffice, I asked before to Libreoffice Argentina, but they
are not answering me, I want to do this because Im starting to giving
free training sponsored by the government, the next 6 days I will
finish and I will give Certificates to this people, but I need a real
sponsor or support by the Developers or the Managers of this great
software to make it more formally and giving 3 times on the year this
kind of Course. We can do great and good things for the people.
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
mob IT +39.348.5653829 - mob EU +39.392.7481795
sip - skype italovignoli
hangout / jabber
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