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I dont know about you but for me they dont mean much. maybe to the admin
team they would in the sense they can see how effective spam fighting
measures are to the mailing lists. As a moderator to me they dont mean much
in the sense that they are just numbers. Like you are saying a graph would
be nice to have showing statistics on a monthly basis as well as on a
weekly day to day basis.

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Tom Davies <>wrote:

Hi :)
I think they are interesting so that people can see how fast things
develop over time.  it might be more useful to have a graph but that would
take even longer.  So, i think the raw figures are plenty.
Regards from
Tom :)

 *From:* Jonathan Aquilina <>
*To:* "" <>
*Sent:* Sunday, 18 August 2013, 7:45
*Subject:* [tdf-moderators] mailing list statistics

Are the mailing list statistics really necessary? Florian dont think badly
of me im just trying to help you cut down on your work load as I know you
are busy.

Jonathan Aquilina

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Jonathan Aquilina

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