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Hi Sophie,

Sophie Gautier wrote on 2013-05-17 10:23:

Some subscribers of the users@fr list seems to have issues (since about
3 weeks) with some messages sent by Mlmmj, all about messages from the
list that can't be delivered. My translation: [Some messages can't be
delivered. If you see this message, that means that every thing has come
back to normal now and it is only for information].

It seems that this happens with users who have @wanadoo or @orange
addresses. Is there something we can do on our side?
indeed something has changed - during the migration of mlmmj I have seen 
that the bounce processing didn't work reliably, which it now does.
What happens is that when a message is bounced, mlmmj takes note of 
that. If addresses bounce for a week, they are unsubscribed. If some 
messages bounce, such an informational message is sent, which is what 
your users are seeing.
Can you maybe forward me such an info message? I'd like to check which 
messages were affected. Either some have been marked as spam and thus 
refused, or we need to lower the sending level to those sites.
I recall that certain .fr sites were really complicated to deal with in 
the early days, with no postmaster to contact :/

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