Hi Anne, *,
On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:07 PM, anne-ology <laginnis@gmail.com> wrote:
and they are located where ?
You just demonstrated one of the reasons why top-posting is bad :-)
BTW - where were they located - well, I guess that's a moot point
now ;-)
The links did not change - just the physical server is a different one
now (and while the archives were moved, they were not accessible - but
now everything should work just as before).
Also note that those archives are just the ones hosted by the TDF, and
not necessarily the most convenient to use.
I for myself prefer the mail-archive.com ones by *magnitude*. That one
offers keyboard-based navigation (alt+n to go to the next message and
similar), and are searchable, etc.
If you look at the header of a mail sent to the list, you also find
direct links pointing to that message in mail-archive.com. For example
Florian's message contains:
Archived-At: <http://go.mail-archive.com/740bVQ78J-qbKkev6Lc2QUFKRh4=>
and visiting http://go.mail-archive.com/740bVQ78J-qbKkev6Lc2QUFKRh4=
brings you to http://www.mail-archive.com/website@global.libreoffice.org/msg11025.html
That way if you want to point people to an old mail, you don't have to
search in the list-archives for the mail, you can search the mail
locally and just use the link from the mail.
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