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Hi Jonathan and all,

Le 09/05/13 09:07 AM, Jonathan Aquilina a écrit :

The forums are still in development stages, sadly that stopped so I am not
sure what the deal is there. Marc Pare would be the guy to talk to if you
want to help out there.

Ahem ... the forums project is still active development and is being worked on. Most of the admins (who are also admins on critical parts of the LibreOffice project) have had to work on more pressing matters on the LibreOffice project and the Forums project just had to be put aside temporarily.

The admin and moderator lists are posted on our Forums wiki page here.[1]

If anyone on this list would like to be considered as moderator, please have a look at the list of forums categories, choose the category(ies) you would like to moderate and send me a note. Don't worry if the category you would like to help moderate has already a lot of moderators signed up for it, you can still sign up to it, and, the admin-moderator(s) will then move their names to another category where there are very few moderators. The categories can be found on the same page as [1] (or in the menu at the top of the page.

The Forums are in the final stages of preparation and we (admins) have just to complete our "to-do" list. The Forums will be ready to go live in the next couple of months (hopefully earlier).




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