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Hi :)
I get the impression that if we do nothing then the message gets blocked.  So if you don't like a 
message or think it's spam then it's fine to leave it.  

We are mainly trying to catch the ones that should not have been blocked in order to unblock them.  
Regard from 
Tom :)  

From: Florian Effenberger <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 14:28
Subject: Re: [tdf-moderators] Fwd: Please moderate Software 
Solutions for Small, Medium & Large Businesses

Hi Jonathan,

Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2013-05-09 15:20:
florian any chance you can black list this domain as this is the 3rd email
today from the same company in the span of a few hrs to the mirrors list i
have rejected them all but still its very annoying that they are still
pushing to spam the list.

let's not block individual domains. Usually, one blocks the sending 
server's IP, not the sender domain.

Plus, moderation is all about spam filtering. Manually maintaining 
filter lists is a tedious tasks I really would like to avoid, because 
you have to regularly verify those lists (who can assure that the IP has 
not changed the owner to a legitimate sender in the meantime?).

We do extensive spam filtering already with greylisting, blacklists, 
SpamAssassin the the like. The spam that gets through is the tasks 
moderators have to deal with.


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