On 09/05/2013 15:11, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hi Sophie,
Sophie Gautier wrote on 2013-05-09 15:10:
I was adapting my moderation folder and realized that I might be the
only one moderating the Nabble gateway now that Drew is away for a
while, or is there anybody else with me? this is not a charge, there is
very few to do, but more for the case where I'm not available.
Nabble is a bit of a black box for me. I don't even know a moderation is
required, nor do I know who can establish new moderators. :-)
yes for me too, I had to understand how it works to add the FR lists but
I didn't go further and never use it ;)
Can you shed some light? Generally, I agree having more moderators, just
in case, makes sense.
Sometimes I receive e-mail from people wanting to join a group (in
various languages) while they are not subscribed. So I add them to the
requested group via the Nabble interface.
I think you need to be admin to be able to add the people (touchy
because you can delete the group at the same time...). But if you don't
receive these mails too, that's strange, I thought you gave the same
rights as yours last time ?
BTW, the logos on the conference list needs to be change to the Milan
one, it's still showing Berlin logo. I can try to do it somebody give me
the link to the good logo size.
Kind regards
Sophie Gautier <sophie.gautier@documentfoundation.org>
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