Le 06/05/13 10:00 AM, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Marc Paré wrote on 2013-05-06 13:03:
I resent, and I just got an "authorization" email request from Gmane to
post on the "test" mailing list. It should post now. Let me know if it
shows up on the mailing list.
I'll send a second one to see if it posts without the "autorization"
email from Gmane.
it seems to work now. :-) Can anyone else confirm? I'd like to have a
second verification, before I enable this for all lists...
I think people may be confused as to what you mean by confirming. Do you
mean to say to send an email from Gmane without being subscribed to the
list OR do you mean to say to confirm that the post I did on Gmane
reached them on the test mailing list?
This will be great news to people on Gmane if you can enable it to work!
Marc Paré
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