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Florian Effenberger wrote (24-02-12 13:16)
Cor Nouws wrote on 2012-02-24 10:59:

Anyone seen something like that before?

never heard of this before - do you have a link to such a message?

The piece

 In de cel die je wilt laten
> refereren tik je '=' Dan ga je naar het voorafgaande blad en klikt op de cel
> waarnaar je wilt refereren. Vervolgens druk je op enter. Is dit wat je
> bedoelt?  Groeten, Kees


is from the guy with the mail troubles

In this one
it is OK, apart from that the lines are doubled ...

But in the mean time he said he would start using his gmail account....
Prolly the best solution?

So, then let's wait and see if the problems stop.

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