Hi, all,
The domain libreoffice.cn is registered by someone unrelated to the
Chinese localization team. It's now parked and I think the mail is
just asking for your bid.
My suggestion is to ignore those squatters because no organization
could register a legal .cn domain name unless it has a license (note
that NGO's aren't permitted in China, so the license should be a
business license for this case).
Best wishes,
Dean (@xslidian)
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Jean Weber <jeanweber@gmail.com> wrote:
It is almost surely spam, or rather a scam. Every one of my many
domains has received one or more similar emails sometime in the past
year or two, and I once looked it up; it's a scam.
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 18:13, James Wilde <james.wilde@sunde-wilde.com> wrote:
There is a message in the users moderation queue purporting to be from a Chinese agency which
deals with an application for the domain libreoffice.cn.
I don't know if any other moderator has approved it, but I haven't. There are too many messages
waiting for me in Users for me to easily be able to find it if it has been approved, and I don't
think Users is the correct forum.
I have only read a little of the message - the base64 converter only takes a bit of the message
- but I think it might be worth somebody's while to check it out and see whether it's disguised
spam or a genuine contact. Perhaps the people on the zh list will know.
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