On Tue, 7 Aug 2012, Donald Norwood wrote:
We are showing:
Tue Aug 7 18:16:34 UTC 2012
du -h : 29G
du --si :31G
du -c : 29471976
Is the correct current size.
On 08/07/2012 01:19 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Nyamul Hassan wrote on 2012-08-06 23:46:
We have just completed the rsync for "tdf-pub". However, the total size
the directory shown by "du -c" comes to 29.5GB, in contrast to the 35GB
mentioned in the mirroring page. If this indicates some problem with our
rsync, please advise.
thanks a lot for your kind support, really appreciated! Can some of the
other mirror admins let us know how much the space use on their machines
is? I guess yours is right, just have no way today of validating it. :-)
The details of the mirror are:
The mirror has been added and is online now. Thanks!
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Viele Gruesse
Eberhard Moenkeberg (emoenke@gwdg.de, em@kki.org)
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